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Chapter 1 

Listening for the voice of vocation


This chapter introduces this book in an amazing way. It makes me reflect in listening more myself instead of living for the people. The authors give some examples of his life and asked us to guide our life by the truth and our values. The name of the book “Let your life speak came from a old Quaker that say that to Parker.  He also talked about listening our inner voice to discover our vocation and he remarked, “Vocation does not mean a goal that I pursue. It means a calling that I hear before I can tell my life what I want to do with it”.  I confront myself when I read this book because many things that Parker the author described have make me feel really strange. I feel like if this book is talking to me. For many years I didn’t listen myself and for that sometimes I finally do things that other persons like me to do, instead of doing the ones in what I believed.

Parker cites Verbalizing as one of the way our life speaks to us but also he explain that it can be by our actions and reactions, our intuitions and instincts, our feelings and bodily states of being.


This remember me that many times when I live a good or bad experience I didn’t take the time to analyze what are my actions and reactions to a specific situation. I usually analyze before acting but then I forget to make a review of my actions. Some months ago my husband make me realize something and now that I´m reading this book I discover how much importance I put to my feelings and sometimes it is good but some other when I have very bad and negative feelings I end in a very frustrated day. I fight every day to put more attention to my feelings and for exchange the bad feelings for new ones and if is very difficult I talked to my mind thoughts of good and I try to put my life in perspective to avoid open my mind to bad thoughts and bad feelings. This is really very difficult to me because in 2009 it gave me through a really bad depression caused by really bad situations that I have experienced but also because I gave my mind open way to have bad thoughts and feelings.

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