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Chapter 12


The qualities that best described being real are:

Serenity: refers to the calmness and inner peace that come from knowing you are okay, no matter what happens to you.

“As you learn to accept what is, you become more able to let other people have their reactions to you — positive, negative, or neutral.”

This serenity is one of the most useful things in the world to live because it make us as humans have a better quality of life by accepting who we are and try to be better in the way we can by our effort and responsibility in our actions.

“Experiencing what is, being transparent, sharing mixed feelings, holding differences, welcoming feedback, asserting what you want and don′t want, and embracing silence all support serenity, because they bring you into the present moment.”

All that is quoted in here is what support serenity and at the end what support ourselves for living a life the best way we can.

Presence: is the energetic aliveness and attentiveness that say you′re open and available for anything that life may bring.

“Presence begins with attention. You have all your energy and attention available to you as the notice, so you can participate fully in each moment of your life.”

“To be present, you need to be relating to what is happening now — in this situation, with this person, in your current state”.

Presence is having the great responsibility to pay attention and notice what you are living and also act and relate the situations of the world with your life. How you manage that presence makes you have a better quality of life. 

Compassion: is your ability to be moved or touched by others′ real misfortune or suffering without becoming dramatic or sentimental and without needing to find fault or blame.

“Compassion allows you to experience, accept, and love what is, even when doing so involves pain or suffering”.

Topics that Susan Campell described Getting Real can make in our life:

• You get in the habit of expressing and releasing instead of holding on to grievances.

• Getting Real creates a shift in your identity. Your ability to identify yourself as the notice helps you to attain freedom

• Getting Real keeps you present. By practicing the truth skills, you become better at noticing when your mind tries to take you out of your present experience and into a control pattern.

• Getting Real enhances creativity and creative problem solving.

• Real fosters intimacy. To experience true intimacy with another person, you must enter a realm of uncertainty together.

Getting real add many things to my life, by reading this book I discover many things that I need to improve and others that I´m doing well. I think that the exit of this is not stay where we are in our relationships with others. We have to develop a culture of working
More in ourselves and to analyze our quality of life and how to increase the pace with each other by being more transparent and real through us.

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