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Thinking Fast & Slow

Chapter 1

The Characters of the Story


This chapter is an introduction of the two systems of how our brain response in the psychological world. The book is based on two systems 1 & 2.


System 1:

-Rapid response

- System used is millisecond perhaps.

-No effort is needed and no sense of voluntary control.

-Generates complex patterns of ideas.


System 2:


Allocates attention to the effortful mental activities that demand it, including complex computations.


This system is in charge of self-control and overcome the impulses of system 1. The conflict is generated when automatic reaction is vs. intention to control.



Dylan Evans was facilitating this book with us in one of our dialogues he proposed a third system.


Chapter 2

Attention & Effort


System 2 is the laziness of a the systems.


Pupils are sensitive indicators of mental effort. They dilate substantially when a task is not so difficult and they dilate more when it is a complex task


Pupils show and are the sensitive indicators of the effort that the mind does. They dilate when something is so difficult.


Chapter 3

The lazy Controller


This chapter was focused more in the second system and his laziness. It is because people tend to disconnected from the full inclusion of the second system.


I analyze by reading this how is important to be concentrated and why is so difficult to do two things at a time.


Flow separates the two forms of efforts:

1) Concentration on the task.

2) Deliberate control of attention.


What is our self control all the time requires our attention and our effort to try



Chapter 4

Associative Machine


This chapter treat the characteristics of the associative mental construct in psychology.  All of the elements are connected. The memories, words, emotions and our facial expressions.


For example how depending on what word evokes emotions and face reactions.


Associative activation: ideas that have been evoked trigger many other ideas. Hume’s mention some principles in association, they are causality, contiguity in time and place and resemblance.


Chapter 5

Cognitive Ease


When system 1 is the ones that look weather the extra effort is needed of the system 2. Depending on that there can be cognitive ease or strain.


When something sound familiars we possible thinks automatic that it is truth that it what is illusion of truth and that we linked by logic, by associate to other preferences or beliefs or feels a cognitive sense of ease.


I really understand in this chapter how putting attention to cognitive ease and how it can help us to feel comfortable and more sure about something.




Chapter 6

Norms, Surprises and causes



In this chapter we discovered about identifying patterns and how we are familiarized with them.  The mind sees something abnormal to something completely normal.



Limitations of system 1:

-Assessing normality, how to maintain and update a model of your personal world.


-Capacities for surprise.

-Active and conscious and expecting passively.

-Seeing causes and intentions.


Chapter 7

A machine for jumping Conclusions


Sistem one go to conclusions and generates contexts by his own.


Halo Effect:

The tendency to like or dislike everything about a person, including things that one has not observed. This is based on impressions and institutions.



Chapter 8

How Judgments Happen


This chapter touches myself because in this years of my life I try to put attention to judgments. Many times we judge by what our senses experiment but we didn’t think on other situations and that probably they are the reason a person act the way he act or why is something the way it is. I learn to try and make an effort to try to imagine or to aske the people why she or he is acting on the way it is and not only make a judgment of something that the senses of us as humans perceived.


Mental shutgun : excess of computation.


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