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Chapter 2

Now I become myself

For this chapter I want to quote some lines of the book that are at the beginning of this chapter because for me it makes me think about this for many days. “Today I understand vocation quite differently-not as a goal to be achieved but as a gift to be received”. “Vocation comes from a voice "in here" calling me to be the person I was born to be, to fulfill the original selfhood given me at birth by God.”  For me this few lines are very special because that remind me why God bring me to this world. I would like to have read this book 5 years ago but know that I´m reading it I feel identified with Parker because I already discover what my passion is and what is the gift that God gave to me. This gift I have discovered 3 years ago when I was working in a foundation that looks to eradicate extreme poverty. The gift that I received from God is that he shows to me that if I propose to do something to for help voluntarily to poor persons and how to be responsible in their life I can. He gave me the gift to try to raise funds to develop projects to the people that need an opportunity to improve their way of life this by spreading with them the plan of salvation that Jesucrist gave to all of us through his sacrifice in the cross and in second place spread the Libertarian ideas that I have learned by the opportunity of being in the Francisco Marroquín University.  Finishing writing this I have to recognize that this two gift are ones of the most important in my life but my first Gift is that I have a wonderful husband and that I can do all my efforts to be an excellent wife and a future excellent mother and that I am cultivating to have a unified family in which our first goal is to live through the bible say us to live and to share voluntarily with the humans that doesn´t have the same opportunity as us.

When Parker talked about the inclinations that he has to be an aviator and then that it wasn’t his passion because his passion is to write a book, it makes me analyze if I really do what I´m passionate about or if I´m only study to complete something that the persons are going to be proud of me. I asked this question many days a week and I try to enjoy and do anything I do with passion and not to accomplish something to please someone else.

The author in here demonstrate us a question that a leader of the Quaker´s teach to him to ask him constantly. This question is who am I? He explain it really good teaching that we came to the world with an essence that we have to cultivate instead of replace it with what the others want us to be.

Journey into Darkness

This part of the book is one of the part in which I feel most identified with. When Parker is narrating his history from studying for being minister in a church and when he decide to teach and the dilemma that he has with it. One quote that example this is “My heart wanted to keep teaching, but nay ethics-laced liberally with ego-told me I was supposed to save the city. How could I reconcile the contradiction between the two?”  I feel identified with this quote because of southings that my husband has teach to me and that is if we do things to stay well with someone and to increase our ego or is really something that we want to do from the heart. That was one of the most shocking things that I have discover in my life because I never has think in that since my husband talk me about that. Now reading this book it remember me to all the time be questioning if what I´m doing is something from my heart.

Other of the story that impacts my heart during my reading of this chapter is the story of Rosa Parks. We have our own fights like the one of her. Maybe in different situations but the courage that we have to confront her specific racist situation is the one that make us the persons we are.

To finish this chapter I want to quote the last part of the chapter that said:

“The world still waits for the truth that will set us free-my truth, your truth, our truth-the truth that was seeded in the earth when each of us arrived here formed in the image of God. Cultivating that truth, I believe, is the authentic vocation of every human being.”

I fight every day to conserve that truth that we have inside us since we were born. I know that is very difficult because we have to deal with all the external things that affect us. But if we try to be courage and try to disseminate the truth of our own life all our experience in life are going to be more believable and we are going to enjoy them the more.

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