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Day 1 

This day I was really nervous and anxious to know how is going to be this new experience of learning. At first we started discovering some materials that were in our tables like when we were children.  We discovered the use of these materials and we were introduced to the MPC program.


Then we had a special breakfast with all the pioneers were we shared a great time talking about our expectations of the program and of our long vacations .

Culture of Learning 


Bert gave us some tools that we had to have in mind during our experience in MPC and I think this are tools we have to use during our entire life. Here I upload the document that contain some inquiries, questions and some dispositions.

Culture of learning.

Let your life speak 

Let your life speak


We read this amazing book of Parker Palmer before starting the MPC program. Also this would be a good tool to help us write our dreams speech that was our first assignment of the program. I enjoyed reading this book because it helped me understand some things about my life one of them is that in the past I made some decisions about my professional career by wanting to be approved by other people´s opinions instead of listening and analyzing myself and do what I was passionate about to do.

We discussed this amazing book and then we presented our speech to our friends so they could give us some feedback from the speech because we also had to present it on the MPC Ceremony on Saturday.


Quotes that I liked from the book:

-Let the highest truths and values guides you.

- Imitating heroes instead of listening my heart. (What we must do and we hasn’t to do)

-Vocation comes from listening


- Opening may reveal our potentials while the closing may reveal our limits.

- We must honor our limitations in ways that do not distort our nature, and we must trust and use our gifts in ways that fulfill the potentials god gave us.


- The power of authentic leaders is found in the human heart.

[Go to the book]

Gene Kelly 


At the end of our day at MPC we viewed a great inspiring film based on the life of Gene Kelly a great performer, dancer, singer and film director. I loved this film because I admire the Gene’s passion about his work and how he shared and taught with others what he knew. He was a great example that if you work in something that you love to do you probably will be successful.
Building a Culture


Communication is necessary in all aspects of life. Thus, if people are to cooperate (literally to "work together") they have to be able to create something in common, something that takes the shape in their mutual discussions and actions, rather than something that is conveyed from one person who acts as an authority to the others, who act as passive instruments of this authority for the others, who act as passive instruments of this authority."

              -David Bohm, On Dialogue

"Human self-understanding is inseparable from participating of what is called a culture. It is useful to have a word that stands for the whole of that associated set of human beings have created for themselves beyond the evanescent satisfaction of their wants. But we must not be misled by it A culture is not a doctrine or a set of consistent teachings or conclusions about human life. It is not something we can set before ourselves as the subject of learning, any more that we can set self understanding before ourselves as something to be learned. It is that what is learned in everything we may learn."

Day 2 

Amable Sanchez 

Dr. Amable Sanchez Torres is a very special person. He is a writer, theologian, philosopher, lawyer and notary public. We have the opportunity to invite and receive him to one of our conversations. We discussed with him about what is a pioneer and the characteristic of one. He gave us some examples of what is a pioneer and what tools are important in a pioneer life. For being a Pioneer I understand of him that we have to know ourselves in order to transcend. I was very exciting listening to all of his experiences being a pioneer in many experiences of his life one of them is when he was very young and he has to work in a production of wheat. Another great story and the one I consider one of his most courageous decision in his life is when he arrives to Guatemala from Spain in the time he was a priest of the Catholic Church to spread Christianity in some rural places of Guatemala. I will never forget his first visit to MPC and I know he felt invited to come another time.

Day 3 

Dale is an American entrepreneur who is the founder of the Uncollege. He thinks that recently we´re paying too much for college and learning too little. He is our second invited person to MPC. We discussed with him what we want to do in our life, and his experience by not going to school and how he achieved his goals and new ideas and how he disseminated them around the world.













































During the third day we watched our third movie, 84 Charing Crossroad. This movie is about a woman that wanted to read British literature titles but was unable to find any of these books in New York. She contacts a place in London to request these books. Frank the owner of this place (Marks & Co.) fulfills her request for the books and they and the staff of the place start a very nice relationship through correspondence. Helene the woman was very exited to visit them in London but she had to postpone her trip because she was high in debt. After that opportunity had passed it was to late to visit her friends and probably her love because Frank died and the bookshop closed. At the end she finally visits the Charing Cross Road.


In my opinion this movie was horribly slow. However, I liked the way Helene was so passionate about books and all she went through in order to have them. It persuaded me to appreciate the age that I´m blessed to live in because in a matter of minutes I can have whatever book I would like to read.

84 Charing Crossroad

Ignauration Day 

First Greek lesson
I was very excited this Monday because we had our first ancient Greek lessons. Moris Polanco was our professor. He teaches philosophy at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of University Francisco Marroquín. He studied letters and philosophy at University Rafael Landívar and earned his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Navarra. During our first lesson Moris shared with us a little bit about his life and why he studied Greek and Latin. For me it is very important to know about the life of the people with whom I´m going to share these months and learn about their experiences of life. This first class was very interesting and he shared with us many tools to practice Greek and the methodology for the course.


We watched a video of a conference of Fredy Kofman who talks about life, liberty and conscience, giving us very good examples of a normal lifef. Watching this video was one of my favorite activities during last week. I loved the content of this amazing conference because Fredy explains values in an easy way to highschoolers.


He talks about responsibility and when someone isn't responsible that person is innocent however is impotent. When someone is part of the problem he or she is also part of the solution. He put an example of a tirany that was the leader of the ships and when we as humans didn't want to be responsible we give a tyrant the opportunity to take decisions of our convenience.

Another important thing that I learned from this conference is that we have to act with integrity in our values and being proud of our decisions to act with our values doesn't matter if the result is positive or not. What gives you happiness is not the results but the values with which you tried to succeed.



I understand of this video that if I as a human want to have liberty I have to assume responsibility for my actions. Most people around the world don’t consider themselves responsible persons, so they prefer to give some part of their liberty to a tyrant that manages their lives. One example of this is the public education or public health.

The big problem of leaving our own responsibility to others, in this case to the state, is that we don´t know how they are going to manage your own money or other resources. It could have a good result, but it may not.
This day I was invited to a special panel were I has been selected to be one of the panelist. This was my best day so far. Not because I got out of class, but because I got to discuss topics that are of great value for Guatemala.

It consisted of discussing the value of “social enterprises”. A term that I personally find a bit funny. The idea is to give low income people a chance to have a self-sustainable business in order to increase their income with the assistance of different types of organizations. I focused mainly on the efficiency of the private sector on achieving those small businesses. I said that getting help from the government is inefficient and dangerous. Our job is to create awareness in the private sector for these projects and manage it not as an obligation from established businesses, but as an opportunity to give opportunities of those in need in a voluntary way.
When I returned to UFM, my classmates helped me to catch up. They explained to me how we had to write this blog, which by the way I dislike because I am a person who prefers to confide in a few persons and not the whole world.


Fermats Last Theorem
I have to admit that when I was in school I had one of the worsts grades in math and physics, because I was not really  interested in learning these kind of subjects. This year I have promised myself to change my point of view about these subjects with our new culture of learning in MPC.  With the video that we have seen about the Fermats last Theorem I comprehended more about the application of these subjects in our entirely life and how there are people that really appreciate this kind of subjects and how they use them in many ways in their life. I was encouraged to learn more about math, physics and geometry and apply them in my future projects of life.



Fermats Last Theorem

Fredy Kofman

This morning we analyzed and organized the content of each book we´re going to read. I didn’t stay at first of the morning because I had an appointment at the US Consulate in Guatemala. But when I returned to MPC I helped my friends by
classifying and analyzing the chapters and how each book we´re going to read is divided. It helped us to connect ideas through one book to another.


Taming the infinite
After lunch, we had Carla de Hess as our special guest. We discussed the preface and the first chapter of Taming the infinite. Our discussion was based on the origin of numbers. Where they there before human existence? This chapter helped me comprehend the origin of math, it was very confusing to me before that. I also liked so much to discover the origin of inflation, because is a theme I care so much and I think it is causing the bankruptcy of many countries around the world.
































Books and more Books

Individual Work

This day we dedicated most of the time to individual work. I decided to divide the four hours we had to study Greek, divide my rubrics for time management for individual and group work, and I read the preface of Euclid.
I liked this individual time because I was able to divide my own work. I still have to improve my abilities of concentration so I can finish more works on the time assigned.
(Rubrics attached.)

Euclid´s Elements

Important Notes for me
-       They provide a paradigm of what constructing a proof means and education in it is done.
Textual Sources:
Heath Translation—Heath original text published by Cambridge.
The greek Text ---- Heibergs Greek text.
[   ] Indicate material supplied by Heath.
{   } Respect interpolation by an early editor.
Accepting the invitation
The invitation to disentangle oneself, for a time, from the urgencies of the here and now and to listen to the conversation in which human beings forever seek to understand themselves.
-  Michael Oakeshott


We are now at the day 18 and our comittment to being on time is very difficult to accomplish it. Today Isabel Moino has a very great idea. Her idea is to publish the ones that are coming late during all the day. this solution is to mane awarness because many of us are coming late very constantly.

Individual work:

Today my individual work was divided like this:
- autobiography
- How to read a Book chapter 8
-Well educated mind

At 9:30 Ingrid have a special activity organized for our 5 Euclid's Class.


This activity consist on drawing our hands at first at looking the contorn of the hand and later without lokking at it. For me was very difficult to do it because it is impossible to calculate the distances. Also I know that drawing hands is the most difficult part of the body for being drawed. I learned to be more observative and to really analyze the parts of my body.

Later we started with our first three propositions. I have to confess that at first I really haye Euclids but is until know and after listening to Johan, Katerina and Mabe to explain their propositions that I get in love with Euclid's elements. It is at as this point that I really understand what the definitions, common notions and postulates really are an what are their role in the propositions.


Here Below I posted a picture od my propositions 1,2 and 3 and a photograph of Johan Boy the obe who I admire the most today because he really improve. Also because I analyzed that he really enjoyed what he is explaining to us.

We are a little upset eith Lucia Canjura because of her atritude during the Euclid's Class because she go to the bathroom for many minutes and we are waiting only for her .


We talked with her about this durong the debrief so I expected that she can impprove this attitude durong the weekend.




















Today Diego Rivera lead the morning meeting and he presented to us some videos about the secrets to success of Eric Thomas. I was very happy to watch this type of video because today in the morning it was very difficult to me to wake up. This type of speech and conference put me in a good perspective to continue living a good life.

Reading Comprehension
Today Bert teaches to us how to measure our reading comprehension in order to organize our schedules to read in a more efficient way. We do this with the book The Well Educated Mind. We have to read the same part of chapter 6 and in five minutes we have to calculate how much we read. I read 1 page in 5 minutes. In my schedules is upload my reading schedule for this book in order to complete it.

Sam Bonis

Today Pablito have a surprise to us. He had invited Sam Bonis, one of the best Volcanologist and genealogist around the world. Today he came to visit us at our MPC space. I feel like if I was having a conversation with my grandfather Sam was very cute. He is that kind of person that easily dominant a conversation. I analyze that because of his way of expressing himself, I looked that he really know about what he is talking about. He share with us why he is in Guatemala, he came from New York. He is Jewish and what we understand later that Pablito talked to us is that he has live a


Sam Bonis, genealogist and volcanologist, came to visit the MPC space this Wednesday afternoon.  He rapidly and eccentrically as his personality dictates, dominated the conversation with wondrous amounts of knowledge and information. He truly masters these areas of expertise, as he smoothly sways through very complex explanations regarding genealogy and volcano-logy. Even most impressive is his understanding of Guatemalan Geology, as its been his point of interest more than 50 years ago.  I believe I can speak for my peers when stating we were all in awe at this magnificent lecture brought upon us by Sam himself.









































First Month at MPC

Celebrating the first month at MPC 

Today Bert prepared a special celebration from all of us to celebrate the first month of the Michael Polanyi College. I has many expectations of this first month and I liked how it has developed. I recognize that I has to improve many things of myself to learn the most I can of this programs and to help in the education and learning of my friends. I also have some many frustrations because of things that aren't how I expect they would be but I am trying to have good attitude about that. 

Morning Meeting
Today the morning was led by Isa Moino, she set for us a reflexive activity. We do a circle and we have to only listen to the video but no watch it. At the end Isa mention only a few words and all of us.
I really like this video and make me reflect with my life and if I´m really enjoying it and doing what I love to do. Also I appreciate many things that the man mentioned in the video like be positive and does not waste time in jealousy and in the problems of others because at the end we are living and creating our own life.
The other phrase that said to do something that I´m scare every day was really shock for me because everyday I fight with myself to have a real good attitude to do the things that I know are correct, doesn't matter if my feelings didn't feel good to act what I know is correct. 
Celebrating what´s right with the World 


Bert added this comment to this video and it was to not take the message of the video as a optimistic message. I really enjoy it and wanted to share this video I know that everyone of us analyze and have a different perspective of it. For me I was shock by all the image of the world described here and that all of it is creation of God. I ask to myself why we not appreciate all this beautiful places that we have. We assume that they are normal and that they are part of our world instead of living a joyful life of appreciation of our environment.  

Today the debrief was very short. We talked about our commitments for Atitlan´s Trip of  the next week and we share some moments of the day.















Today's Katerina was in charge of the morning meeting. We watch two videos and we have to analyze the errors that are contained in the videos. 



I was very shocked because of the big mistakes that the people of history channel commit in the creation of the videos.

One of the was mention that the ones that are relevant in the predictions of the 13 Baktun are de Aztecs, when they have nothing to do with it, the ones who made those predictions are the "MAYAS". 

Greek ​

Today we are expecting our greek professor Moris Polanco but he doesn't attend today. I think the MPC and him are having very bad communication. I feel that we try to study greek but for that we need some orientations to know if what we are studying and doing is alright. But since we start this semester I feel that neither I have commitment with this lessons nor the professor. I would like to search another method to really learn what we are suppose to learn in greek. ​

Individual Work 
​During my individual work of today I decide to do some lessons of greek. I has to confess that I really feel frustrated with this because I don't  understand many things of greek but I also feel that I have some more pressure because I need to finish other books and document them. 

Today I start reading one of my favorite articles during this semester. This article was about how advance liberty written by Leonard Reed the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education. We are going to discuss this article with Alexander Mc Cobin the founder of Students for Liberty in the United States. I would like to write something about this essay when I finished to read and analyze it. 

Performing Arts
Today we finally do the activity that Javier Tabush was excited to do weeks ago. This activity was about close our eyes and Javier was the narrator of a story that we have to create and imagine in out minds. I imagine being in a beach also we have to translate of place and talk to someone random. Honestly in my imagination I stay on the beach and then I start thinking about a similar exercise that I do when I go to a psychologist four years ago. I was distracted because I remember that exercise and I start thinking in my parents and all their marriage problems. I would like to repeat this exercise and do it the way it is.


At the time of this debrief I was very exhausted, I just wanted to live the university and I want to sleep. We discuss some points as why is Moris Polanco missing our lessons of greek and also that we feel tired when is develop the class of programming. We received good advices and feedbacks from Bert and we expect to continue some points of the day tomorrow. 

Today I came late, I feel very bad because I lost the first activity of the day that was supposedly led by Franz Johan Boy, but he also came late so my friend told me that Pedro Pablo show a very interesting video about a holocaust survivor that is a lady that has 107 years old. 

Individual Work 
At this time of the semester I think we already know more methods of how we have to get completed the work that we are assigned to do. In my individual work sometime I feel frustrated because I feel that I have so much in my plate that I lost my time trying to know were to start. I decided to do a list of what I need to complete and start execute instead on only think what I would going to do with all the work I has to get completed. 

Euclid Class
I am enjoying the Euclid´s Elements class so much because at first time of all my life I am understanding this type of class. Today Ingrid ask us to joined in our groups of work. My group is with Marcela Richardson and Diego Rivera. They have help during this process of learning because there are many things of Euclid and Programming that are very hard to me for understand. But they with many patience all the time we joined together explain me very well, what I don't understand. We start explaining the propositions 1 and 2 but we don't have all the time that we will wanted to have to really complete this task. 

The debrief of today was very rude we talk about commitment and being late. I really want to go home today because it is annoying having a debrief with some members of the MPC that are very immature and that all the time wanted to do what they want.
Today for me we do a very special activity during our morning meeting. Mabe Fratti the one responsible of today morning meeting brought some materials to draw a paint with all the members of MPC. In the floor were written certain rules that we have to follow some of the ones that I remember are : Only one of us could draw at a time, each of us have 30 seconds to paint, keep the materials clean and don't change of color the one we choose at the beginning we has to use during all the activity.

The result of this activity was the drawing that I upload in this same page. This activity was very relaxing and it make our imagination can make what we want to do with it. Some detail good to analyze and discuss in the future with my friends was the rules that we have to follow at the beginning and what would happen if we didn't have rules and only see all the materials in the center of the class.

Individual Work
Today I continue and trying to finish reading the Well Educated Mind, all the notes of this book are going to be in the section of books and essays. I try to do all my effort to advance reading more quickly to complete all the books we have to get done but if I do all faster I doesn't understand all so I need more time to really analyze chapter by chapter. 


Performing Arts 
We cancelled today Performing Arts because we have many work to do so we decided to use the time of performing to continue advancing in our uncompleted tasks.

Kyle cant came today to the class so Bert show us a very nice video of about Math magic with Donald Duck. This video is amazing I would like to viewed this video when I was in school. I probably would like more mathematics  that what I really hate them during my school years. I want to show this video to my future sons  :).


                                                             October 18, 2012


Dear Pioneers, Bert and Ingrid

I am writing you to apologize because today I will have to leave the MPC at 10:00am. The reason is because I have an important meeting with my family in México for those who didn’t know I am from Guadalajara, Mexico and half of my family lives there.  I searched for flights for today in the afternoon or tomorrow but there weren’t any more tickets for tomorrow in all the airlines and  the one that had such space was very expensive.

I wanted to confess all of you that I´m really sad because I will miss all the activities with Alexander McCobin from Students For Liberty. I am an admirer of that movement and of their principles but sometimes we have to choose what is our priorities in life and for me this time is my family.

I wanted to invite all of you that would have the opportunity to know him and have some discussions with him to really appreciate this opportunity that we have of being in this beautiful university and of knowing people like Alexander.

Today I also bring a letter to him. I want to apologize to him because I will not be able to be part of the activities with him and also to describe him how I really admire what he does.

I thank you for understanding, and if I can do anything for you while I’m in México you can count on me. I expect to see you all at 7:00am on Monday.





























Today I came at the end of the day because I have some problems with my flight from Mexico so I came to the airport and then directly to the university. I would not come because I was really tired but I feel that I make a compromise with the others pioneers so I try to be integrated to the programing class.

Today we analyze and help Pablito with his problem of Project Euler. He was very excited at the end when they prove his project in cloud9 and it is good. Then we make a circle and we  listen to Kyle about the library that his family has in a community of poor people in Antigua, Guatemala. I would like to know more about this project because I think that is a private initiative that can do good things in the progress of our country.


Today Johan Boy led the morning meeting, at the beginning he look at not knowing what to do with the morning meeting but then with his special activity I feel very proud of him. This was the text that he share with us and we reflect about it.

What I talk about when I talk about “This” and “That”
by Franz Johann Boy Del Pinal

Everyone keeps on telling me I’ve got to do “This”… But “That” keeps on calling me, “That” keeps on seducing me… Everybody says “This” is how it should be and I should just follow, but never have I felt so much impetus driving me towards “That” keeping me away from “This”…


“That” is what I want the most in my life but everybody says “That” is pointless, is overrated, is impossible, is crazy…
I want to live “That” way, but most of the time it is to violently difficult to pursue “That”, mostly because everyone keeps on pushing “This” down my throat trying to keep “That” out…
They say “That” is wrong, is bad, is something you just don’t see, don’t expect, that I should just settle with “This”, like they have done, but I can see in their tired and sad eyes how “This” is killing their “That”, and every moment they forget about “That”, and settle with “This”, they are killing their own souls. Their real and unique “That”, gets assassinated by the false and detrimenta
“This”. Why should we trust “This”? Just because everyone does, doesn’t seem like a very good argument to me, neither when they try to defend “This” with the fallacy that that’s just the way it has always been, and the way it should be…
Because if we would really had that kind of knowledge, ideal life would meet our own lives… And that wisdom, were not even close at attaining…

But they defend “This” out of fear, not love, because if they say they love “This” and deny “That”, they are just lying to the very essence of themselves, you just can’t ignore how “That” keeps on shouting at us, to not let “This” drown everything “That” can be, we let “This” fill our hearts with hatred and fear towards “That”, but if you come to get to know “That”, and I hope you will… U’ll throw “This” right away, and you will have the courage to pursue “That”, because even if you don’t get exactly to “That” place, I promise It will be better than if you just stay in “This” place for the rest of your marvelous existence…

¿Can you identify “This”?
¿What is your deepest and most searing “That”?
And the most important question once you’ve identified both…
¿Will you settle with “This”, or will you give your everything to fight and get the valor and effort necessary to get to your beautiful withstanding “That”?


And with more than just faith, I can declare a future where “This” is nothing but a small weak shadow, in a world full of magnificent human beings, full of all “That” can, and will be.

Six Week Self- Evaluation
Today Bert send us a Self-Evaluation that we have to complete being very honest with ourselves. It is a very long self evaluation, when I finish doing it I will upload on this blog.


Euclid´s Elements

Today in Euclid we have individual work. I complete the proposition 3 and I try to understand proposition 4 but it was very hard for me. I expect that in the next lesson I would advance more and also I would like to make a group to understand it.

Today was a very important day from me because I lead the morning meeting. Some days ago I was afraid of not being convince of what I´m going to share with friends. Asking my husband what could be a good idea to share during my morning meeting he remind me about a message that we watch of Joel Osteen. Joel was a preacher in Texas and in many states in the United States. He was also very famous author of many books. ​

This message talk about having the right perspective of our life. Because we as humans that want to be better day by day sometimes we didn't live a life of gratitude. We only complain about our life and the situations that we are living. He explain by many examples how we are in a better situation of other persons or how some people that are old would do anything to live the life that we are having know. He called them the good old times.

At first I feel that all in  the group are going to judge me because I would show a
video that talks about God  but I try to explain them to please look the message without prejudices and learn from it because the message of life, perspective and gratitude that it has is amazing. 

At the end I was very happy because of the reaction of all. They like it so much and I feel that they feel something good and different of the message. 

By today supposedly we had finished the Trivium but no one of us do it. I have read as many chapters as I can, but I has to recognize that my English is not the best and also with all the others commitment readings that we had is difficult to focus in one. But I have read as much as I can. I am very familiarized with some chapters of the book specially the last ones because all the subjects of logic I have learned last semester in my class of logic.

Today we discuss the chapter 2 of taming the infinite. I have the summary of this chapter in the section of books. We also share with Kyle what we have been doing and the troubles that we are having with all what we have in our plate for this first part of the MPC. 

Kyle share with us one technic that he is using to be committed with his work in a better way and to have some recess to read. He use an incredible app his name is Pomodoro. I just download in on my phone and I would try to use it during this days to know if it really is useful. 

​Today in the debrief we talked about visit the library of the family of Kyle. He explain to us how they start this great project and how the good intentions and the management of private money can make whatever a person propose to do a reality. He explain how many kids came to the library in the afternoon to do their homework or to read a little bit. Also they offer some courses from their parents. I was really excited to know this place and to spread what they are doing with more people that possibly can do some libraries like this one in other parts of the country.
Today Alejo led the morning meeting. He show us two videos. The first one was a part of the movie "Garden State" to see a historical moment. I would like to upload this video in here but when I try to search for it on youtube it is show as private. 

Later we  finish watching this video he asked all of us to do a historical moment, so all of us make some rare noises. I feel very embarrassed but also I feel joy of watching others making their historical moments. Then we watch a video of Steve Jobs that encourage us to create and be more innovate with the things that we do.

Euclid´s Elements 
Today in this class we gave some feedback to our friends Lucia Canjura, Mabe and Alejo. The feedback we try to give them is positive and negative, For Lucia we thing that she has to be more relax and has to improve being more fluent. Mabe look very prepare and very clear and Alejo needs to do better his visual demonstration.

My morning meeting


Morning Meeting 
Today the morning meeting was led by Grace Becker, she is a person that really love to dance. She show us some videos about loving dance and some professional choreographers. I really admire her and how she develop her hobby. I perceive that she is very discipline with this area of her life 

Free Cities
Today we assist to a conference that was planned from the arquitecture faculty about constructing free cities in the ocean. I have to recognize that I love the subject of free cities but the person that give the conference was one of the worst orator that I have known in my life. My eyes get closed every 3 minutes of the conference. I was really tired an also his way to explain was so bad. But I recognize that many ideas of the conference would be interest to try to prove this point of tesis of this person.

Individual Work 
Continue documenting and reading Self Reliance.
Thinking Fast & Slow 
with Dylan Evans
Today the dialogue has much more participation of all ouselves. I really enjoy the sense of humor that Dylans transmit with us. 
What is MPC?
Presentation to the Buissnes School 
Today was our presentation to many people of the Buissnes School and many other guest that we want them to know what is MPC. I feel bad that all this weeks I have been very sick of my legs I has to use wheelchair and its very difficult for me to walk. Because of that reason it has been very hard for me to participate in the organization of this conference. But I try to do my best and I think we are improving. Im very concern because I really dont know if what we say what is MPC to others is what we are doing and living. Sometimes I feel frustrated about that, but I´m trying to give time so that I can live all the experience to then make a real judgment. 
New Cycle 6 Weeks 



Today is Javier Parellada morning meeting, he show us a few videos that explain the significanfe of november 5th. I reallyl enjoy all the stuff that Javier share with us, there are many curios and different things.  


Bert have the idea that for this new cycle wte need to get involved in how we want to manage our time for the upcoming weeks. We need to be prepare to do our presentation from the board so we need time to really work on that.




Today I coudnt be in this class with Kyle so I decide to practice programming in my house by my own by using the Ruby exercice. 

Morning Meeting


Today was Diego Rivera Morning Meeting he wants to us to improve our math so he gave us a lot of tips. Then gE SHOW us an amazing video about Economics with Kaynes and Hayek. The he show us a video called How to eat cupcake like a gentlement and also he bring us cupcakes . 

Today was a great day, we planned a special activity where we make a circle with all the pioneers to share with all why we are thankful for. I was thankful for having my parents, I know they arent perfect and that sometimes I have problems with them because they make me be the center of their marriage but at the end I thank God that they are alive and that they take care of me all this years. Iam also very thankful my husband because he is a very nice person that I love so much. I´m thankful that we are planning a family together and that we share many values, and thoughts that we think in the same way that for us are very important. 
Gratitude has change my life, when i´m sad or anger I just start thinking all the things that I have to be thankful for and for only think that I start feeling better. 

Giving Thanks! 

Thinking Fast & Slow 

I really enjoy the dialogues with Dylan Evans, today we talk about the Halo effect, it means that you like absolutely everything of one person, and doesnt matter if they have bad things you didnt care about that  and you believe in them. 




-System 1 is automatic 

-We need to cultivate habits for productivity efficiency.



























I´m a little frustrate about the idea of having Greek lessons. We have so much to read and other thing to do of the program. This class since the beginnig was very difficutl to approach. I think it is part of this process try to approach this but at this point i´m disappointed. I create some list of words in greek, so we can memorize 10 words a day in greek, but no one cares about it. I understand them because we have so much in our plate, but also is frustrated to lost time in things that then we didnt put attention. 





















Deja Vú 

















Christmas Song 


We are truing to sing a Christmas song in performance art. I really like this class but also I feel that we lost so much time trying to decide what we are going to do. 
To choose this song whe loose like 3 lessons, I would like if the MPC can have more structure in all that we do. But I also understand that the structure that I want, has to start with me.


Today Majo lead the morning meeting. I was really happy with her activity, because it invites me to have a great and positive attitude. Majo share with us a movement that she discover was happening in Guatemala. The movement name is MOB . The purpose of this movement is that everyday we can do a differet kidness act. This is to incentive positve things in Guatemala and change the negative stuff and attitude that most of the time we as citizens had.

Today we visit with Ingrid the library to see what is going to be the new space, where we could start studying the next year. All of us have different ideas and suggestions. I think that we need that the board of directors can talked to us of what are their plans for our place to study. I feel like Ingrid didnt know much about it or she didnt want to advice us about what is going to happen. but I feel that there isnt anything clear.
































New Space!

Final Presentation

I choose to do my final presentation of the essay of Leonard Reed. How Advance Liberty is a famous essay of this great person who is one of the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education. 



At the begining i was very frustrated about choosing this essay because for my level of english it has been very difficult to really understand all of the essay. I have the negative thinking to feel repent of choosing this essay instead of other easy book that we read on this term. 


I decide to approach this task and at the end I finish learning so much for this essay to my daily life. I understand that if I love the free market ideas and the  ideas of liberty. I have to start by respecting the ones that doesnt like those ideas, because if not i´m contradicting myself. 



At the end of my presentation I feel very happy, I feel that all my friends and Bert are supporting me. 

Click Here to see the presentation.
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