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Chapter 6


Susan concentrate this chapter to talk about feelings and how we have to now what are they so we can support them or we can act the better way we can to those feelings doesn’t affect ourselves. I love the way Susan describe the stories of some persons that have troubles to communicate what they want and what they doesn’t and how those actions are affecting very important areas of their life. I interpret this chapter is that asserting what you want and don’t is something of being transparent with the life we are living today and how being transparent can support our feelings and consequently our actions. I analyze that in life need a balance because like I say in the chapter before we have to try to control our life by what we know that is correct instead of only putting attention to our feelings. We have to balance when we have to act by what we are feeling and how we complement that with what we know that is correct. I think that if we want to solve a problem or if we have to say NO to someone, show our anger or whatever we need to communicate we need to learn how to communicate all of those types of situation to really achieve what we want of the other person. Being transparent doesn't mean being rude with someone, whom I think it is something that is to misread in MPC.

Susan gave a very good advice that I am practicing in my life. It is to use I messages in your assertions instead of you should. You have to communicate what you want and why. In that way the other person can think in that and do what you want instead on only saying him or her what to do, because that at some point end good relationships because of the feeling of controlling that the other one feel.

Other recommendations of Susan that for me is very important:

• Say what you want, not what you don′t want. Asserting wh
at you do want is a bigger commitment for you, and it′s easier for the other to take in.

• When saying what you want, practice painting a picture with your words and putting yourself and the other in that picture.

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