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Chapter 4 

The Second Level of Reading: Inspectional Reading

Inspectional reading : is contained in analytical reading, and analytical reading in syntopical reading.

Skimming: is the first sublevel of inspectional reading.

How skimmed a book:

1. Look at the title page, and, if the book has one, at its pref- ace. 

2. Study the table of contents to obtain a general sense of the book’s structure; use it as you would a road map before taking a trip.

3. Check the index

4. Read the publisher’s blurb.

5. Look now at the chapters.

6. Random Reading

lnspectional Reading II: Superficial Reading

Right Approach:

"In tackling a difficult book for the first time, read it through without ever stopping to look up or ponder the things you do not understand right away."

I like some descriptions that the author is doing in this chapter.It is about how we can read one time a book, not being frustrated of our  misunderstanding of some paragraph or sentence because later we can re-read it to answer all the unexplainable questions we had. 

It is better to understand somethings of a book that not understand nothing because we didn't have the courage to read it.

In this chapter is mentioned the importance of learning how to speed reading but the recommendation is to learn that but not merely to be able to read faster, but to be able to read at different speeds. By this we can know when is appropriate to use different speeds.

The author give us a recommendation to speed our reading:

" Place your thumb and first two fingers together. Sweep this “pointer” across a line of type, a little faster than it is comfortable for your eyes to move. Force yourself to keep up with your hand."

The problem of speed reading, then, is the problem of comprehension. The author explain it as: "You cannot comprehend a book without reading it analytically; analytical reading, as we have noted, is undertaken primarily for the sake of comprehension (or understanding)."

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